I was really excited to go to the Careers Expo and find good information about my dream job.
On Friday 10th of June the year 7's and year 8’s, teachers and staff of Tamaki Intermediate went to the Careers Expo at the ASB Showgrounds in Greenlane. We took off in three big buses. When we arrived at the Showgrounds we entered the building and sat in our class lines near the entrance. After all the classes were in their class lines we went in.
Firstly I went to the hairdresser display. I saw four pretty ladies standing and making different hair styles on false heads. They were really talented. I asked them many interesting questions about the salary range, skills and qualities and what knowledge and entry requirements I had to have to be a hairdresser. They answered quickly with good information and good explanations too.
After that I went to the Arts and Design display. The lady incharge was really busy but I managed to wait patiently. When it was my turn I asked the same questions that I asked the hairdresser ladies. I asked her alot of questions and she told me to sit on the extra chair next to her. She managed to answer some of the questions.
Thirdly I went to the Otago University display. I told them about my dream job and I asked them what skills I have to have to become an accountant. They told me that I have to be good at keeping records of money and have good grades in mathematics.
Then I made my way to the next displayand I bumped into Mrs Wally. She informed me that it was time to go so I went out and sat in our class lines near the entrance. When all the classes were in their class lines we got into the three buses. While I was on the bus I looked over my notes and I shared my information with my friends.
I really enjoyed the Expo and now I have an idea about my future job. I want to be an accountant when I grow up.